Webpack: Beyond the Basics

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Up and Running
  3. 3. Your First Loaders
  4. 4. Better Errors and Loaders for Everything
  5. 5. Intro to Babel
  6. 6. Babel Polyfills, Transforms & Presets
  7. 7. DIY Webpack Dev Server with Express
  8. 8. Reloading the World
  9. 9. Debugging Client and Server with DevTools
  10. 10. Hooking up React
  11. 11. Hooking up HTML Preprocessors like EJS, Pug, & Handlebars
  12. 12. CSS Extensions, Imports and Auto-Prefixing
  13. 13. Hooking up Typescript
  14. 14. Hooking Up VueJS
  15. 15. Hooking up Angular
  16. 16. Setup Heroku Hosting for Production
  17. 17. Production Stylesheets with MiniCSSExtractPlugin
  18. 18. Optimizing Javascript with Environment Variables
  19. 19. Optimizing Javascript with Minification and Mangling
  20. 20. Optimizing Asset Files with Compression
  21. 21. Build out the site with React Components
  22. 22. Markdown as a Data Source with React & Webpack
  23. 23. Analyzing Webpack Bundles and the CommonChunksPlugin
  24. 24. Server Side Rendering with Express and React
  25. 25. Compiling our Express Server with Webpack
  26. 26. Naming Your Webpack Config Files
  27. 27. Hot Server Middleware
  28. 28. Multiple Pages with React Router
  29. 29. Putting it all together with Universal imports
  30. 30. Dynamic CSS Chunk Loading
  31. 31. Multiple Domains in Localhost
  32. 32. Scoping per Domain
  33. 33. Theming CSS
  34. 34. Build out Articles page
  35. 35. Loading Data with Redux
  36. 36. Async Loading with Redux Thunk
  37. 37. Using Redux to Fetch from API in the Client
  38. 38. Adding SSL to your Site